Friday, December 16, 2005

Goudge, Elizabeth - The Little White Horse

This was my absolute favourite book as a younger um kid. I went through this horse craze and discovered it somewhat by accident (as I read excessively) it actually doesnt have too much to do about horses.

Maria Merryweather and adventures and linked to the past and much adventure.

Anyway, I just read it again. And I still very much enjoyed it.

It was apparently JK Rowlings favourite book when she was a kid, and they are making it into a movie. Shows what influence can do! And here's me thinking Im the only one on the planet who has ever heard of it before.

(and my cover is much much nicer, but very old. I had to tape it back together I've read it that much)

Has some fantastic quotes in it. Very funny. Extremely likeable characters.


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