Peck, M. Scott - The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace

Very interesting read. The community theories and every other little mind blowing other thing in there were rather facinating and hopefully feasable. I had the benefit of seeing at least one of these slightly more unusual tactics employed during a Wednesday night Young Adults. We took the chance to 'speak out' something a bit personal in front of the group with zero compulsion, let alone allowance to respond. Something clicked, and it made the whole experience (of both the book and the evening) more tangible. I had the 'why' background, an insider understanding. It was a beautiful and quite powerful thing to watch unfold.
The latter third of the book centres much more around the 'peace'. Unfortunately this comes with the bent on US Politics and the Arms Race (to which I am a tad ashamed of that in my twenty years, have never really heard much about before - and which I'm still not fully certain I know the extent or power grain in which the whole deal operates). It was interesting, but not quite as glove-hit-glove.
It's worth a read if you like to stretch your mind and be challenged about how you are living in relation to others. The Stages of Spirituality from 'Chaos to Mystic' take up a decent section of the book. Parts of it make a lot of sense. As with any Scott Peck book (and it's a bit absurb to claim to be an authority when this is only the second one of his I've read), take it with a grain - no, make that a pinch of salt, while not letting the good slip by. There is much good.
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