Sunday, November 27, 2005

Courtenay, Bryce - The Potato Factory




Enough crudity and conflict to make it very real.

Not soft. Courtenay creates an empathy for the 'unlikeable' but very central characters without you scarcely realising it.

Themes superbly woven throughout. Plot is complex but never falters.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ezell, Lee - The Cinderella Syndrome

A good read for me at the time. Very old book which I picked up randomly from my mum's 'to sell' list. I'm keeping it now. How to explain besides that, life is not a fairytale. Which I did of course know already, some rippers of ideas/quotes in there though.

I have not come across the 'you are responsible TO not FOR' idea before. It just makes a heap of sense.

There is much in this about happiness and contentment and where that fits in life.

Read this but only if you are a)female b) in need of a bit of a kick up the butt/reminder of some obvious but ever avoidant concepts.