Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bevere, Lisa - Kissed the Girls and Made them Cry

I have read this before, it is still quite excellent. She's got a good lot to say around standards and where God fits into the picture.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Yancey, Philip - I Was Just Wondering

A curious book that's taken me about three weeks to get through. Basically this is a collection of essays by Philip Yancey about all manner of things re: life, suffering, science, psychology, ethics etc.

Some 'entries' if I can call them that are entirely facinating. I possibly read this book almost too fast as there is so much thought that could be put down in response to one of his.

I have been very inspired.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Mc Laughlin, Emma & Kraus, Nicola - The Nanny Diaries

Oh it's a great thing to read some good old chick lit sometimes. I've been busy so I haven't gotten through it as fast as I might have. It was quite funny, which is what I went in expecting but you walk away from it quite sad at the state of the family Nanny (for Nanny is a 'nanny') leaves.

All up very enjoyable and a nice change to read a modern book as opposed to all these classics and 'Literature' that take a bit more out of you.