Sunday, November 26, 2006

Collins, Wilkie - The Moonstone

Well a lot of other books got in the way, and it was a bit of a long haul (It's a decent length really) but this is a fantastic mystery and a bit of a classic. Intriguing, funny with very well developed characters (unlike lots of modern detective stories) and told from several perspectives.

quoted by T.S. Eliot as, "The first and greatest English detective novel."

Good fun!

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Elliot, Elisabeth - Passion and Purity

I read it upon the recommendation of a friend. It's the 'classic' Christian book on purity I guess.

To be honest, I wasn't really that impressed. It was very old fashioned - granted. And there was a lot in there about physical purity, it just confused me (looking a bit objectively) that in some way she was - it's the story of her and Jim Elliot's courtship roughly, extremely emotionally involved and he was pulling strings that way. But hey... not being a 'feeler' kind of person and being very strongly 'T' perhaps I just see things differently.

I didn't really get a lot out of the book. It had some good stuff in there if you were 'long distancing' but yeah... no.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Winton, Tim - Cloudstreet

Oh wow.

If there is one fictional book you ever should read, it is this.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Harris, Joshua - Sex is not the Problem (Lust is)

Right, well there's another J-Harris book knocked off the list. Not a bad little book. In that it had some good pointers. Some of it wasn't that relevant (although it is written for both genders). Short read. Best thing that's come from it really was a reminder about the importance of knowing the Bible and being intentional about I guess learning verses around things (be it lust or other) we struggle with.

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