Harris, Joshua - Boy Meets Girl

I confess up until now I'd heard a lot about 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye' (bit late for that) and even this title. But never actually read any of it. Anyway I managed to find this one reasonably cheap the other day and gave it the 'read in one hit' treatment. I think it was actually two sittings that it took (but the three last pages don't count) not that, that is relevant whatsoever.
I was, oddly enough, quite surprised. It was actually a pretty decent read with some excellent principles. It is true that I wouldn't ever exactly replicate their possibly a little too formal method of going about things. It did push me to consider a few things and evaluate myself and my relationship - simply poking the stick at a few things I've already thought/talked about. At the same time, the book recognises the fluidity of relationships and the differences in people etc.
I think it's possibly worth going back through a bit slower. As with all things. Read widely and never go exactly by the book (unless it's the Bible and even then there are all kinds of interpretation/translation issues).
A good word for this though. It's later Joshua Harris stuff. I'd be curious to get my hands on the earlier, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" simply to feed my curiousity. I wouldn't mind having a look at "Not Even a Hint" or whatever that one's called.
I have no time for anyone who backhands his stuff without having taken the time to read it. (Now that I'm no longer one of them...)